Friday, December 12, 2014

Devi Shakti

Jaya nama Samvatsare
Mrigasira Mase
Krishna Pakshe
Saptami Tithau
Magha Nakshatre

Namaste everyone!

We know that every living thing has a mother and a father. We've seen how God is our father, now let's see how He expresses motherly love for His/Her children.

Now, what do moms do in the first place?

1. They bear their children in their wombs

God is also referred to as Hiranyagarbha (the Golden Womb). This Hiranyagarbha archetype is responsible for creation in the universe. Hiranyagarbha, as a protector of pregnant women and all children, often manifests as a Mother Goddess. This Mother archetype manifests in many forms, but she often is praised as Garbharakshambika (the Mother who protects fetuses).

2. Nourishing the child

Since we are all children of God, the Mother archetype manifests as Annapurna, aka Vishvambhari. She nourishes us by impregnating the earth with various seeds, from which food crops are grown. There is a temple in Varanasi dedicated to Mother Annapurna.

As the story goes, Varanasi fell under a great famine. Jagadamba (God as the Mother of the Universe) manifested in Varanasi as Annapurna. The Raja of Varanasi was at Annapurna's home having lunch, and he wondered, "Who is this chaste lady? She is feeding us like a mother!"

Annapurna, being omniscient, knew what was going on in the Raja's mind, and manifested herself as Adishakti Jagadamba. The Raja knelt at her feet and prayed, "O Mother, please protect us from hunger and sickness!"

"So be it, my child!" said Devi.

The Raja, thus blessed, built a temple to Mother Annapurna.

Even now, Hindus still remember Mother Annapurna during their morning puja, chanting the first verse of Annapurna Stotram.

नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी
निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकारी प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी ।
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥

nityānandakarī varā-bhayakarī saundarya-ratnākarī
nirdhūtā-khila-ghora-pāvanakarī pratyaksa-mahesvari
praleyacala-vamsa-pavanakari kasipuradhisvari
bhiksam dehi krpa-valambanakari matannapurnesvari

" "

3. Protecting the child in times of danger

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