Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lord Ganesha

Jaya nama Samvatsare
Mrigasira Mase
Krishna Pakshe
Chaturthi Tithau
Budha Vasare
Pushya Nakshatre

Namaste everyone!

Final exams are upon me now. So let me all introduce you to Ganesha! This expansion, or archetype, of God (Parabrahman) is invoked for removal of obstacles in the beginning of all tasks. He is also invoked for gaining wisdom. So it's quite appropriate that I'm talking about Ganesha at the beginning of exam time!

Ganesha is known by many names that describe his personality, form and attributes. In any puja, Ganesha is venerated first, before any other archetype of Parabrahman. This consists of chanting his mantra ॐ गं गणपतये नमः (o ga gaapataye nama) and offering 5 things. These 5 things are:

Sandalwood paste (gandha)

Flowers (pushpam)

Incense (dhoopam)

Lamp-flame (deepam)

and finally food (naivedyam or bhog)

When the flowers are offered, the worshiper chants 12 names of Ganesha - offering a flower with each name. The 12 names are:

1. सुमुख (Sumukha) - Pleasant countenance

2. एकदन्त (Ekadanta) - One who has a single tusk (Ganesha has the head of an elephant)

3. कपिल (Kapila) - One whose form is dusky hued

4. गजकर्णक (Gajakaraka) - One who has the ears of an elephant

5. लम्बोदर (Lambodara) - Big-bellied

6. विकट (Vikaa) - Great one

7. विघ्ननाशक (Vighnanāśaka) - Destroyer of obstacles

8. विनायक (Vināyaka) - Perfect leader

9. धूम्रकेतु (Dhūmraketu) - Smoky complexion

10. गणाध्यक्ष () - Leader of Lord Siva's attendants (ganas)

11. भालचन्द्र (Bhālacandra) - One who bears the moon on his forehead

12. गजानन (Gajānana) - Elephant-headed

Other prayers to Ganesha are listed below.

शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं ।
शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजं ॥
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् ।
सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥

śuklāmbaradhara viu
śaśivara caturbhuja
prasannavadana dhyāyet

"Oh Omnipresent Ganesha! You are as beautiful as the moon, clothed in pure white. We meditate upon your pleasant form to remove all obstacles."

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय ।
सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ ॥
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव ।
सर्वकार्येशु सर्वदा ॥

vakratua mahākāya
suryakoi samaprabha
nirvighna kuru me deva
sarvakāryeśu sarvadā

"Oh Ganesha with a curved trunk and huge body, you are as effulgent as ten million Suns. Please remove all obstacles in all my tasks, always."

Ganesha's existence came to be when Parvati (one of the Divine Mother archetypes of Parabrahman) scraped off the mixture of sandalwood paste and turmeric from her body. She made a figure from this and breathed life into it. Parvati told the boy to guard the room while she bathed.

Siva (The Destroyer archetype of Parabrahman) soon arrived to Kailasa (his and Parvati's abode). He wanted to go inside, but was stopped by Ganesha. Not knowing the boy's origin, Siva beheaded him in anger.

Seeing her son headless, Parvati became very angry and sad. Siva then commanded his attendants to bring the head of the first living being they saw sleeping with its head facing North. The attendants found an elephant and brought its head to Siva, who then revived Ganesha. He then proclaimed that Ganesha would be the first one to be venerated in any puja.

There you have it! Lord Ganesha!!!

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